10 things you need to know about composite bonding

1. Edge Bonding & Composite Veneers Are Not The Same

Whilst both treatments are composite bonding, edge bonding only covers the edge of the tooth, whilst composite veneers cover the entire front surface of the tooth.

2. Composite Veneers And Porcelain Veneers Are Very Different

Composite veneers are placed in a single visit, often with no drilling or injections required. There is minimal preparation work required on the surface of your natural tooth which means that your smile is not permanently changed, and you can remove or replace with your dentist, as required.

3. These Treatments Can Improve And Correct Broken, Crooked, Spaced Or Discoloured Teeth

Cosmetic bonding/veneers can correct a wide range of aesthetic elements including chips, fractures or worn teeth, and teeth whitening is used to brighten your smile before the composite is placed. In fact, we provide a variety of shade choices to match your desired result.

4. Composite Bonding Lasts 3 To 7 Years, Depending On How Well You Look After Them

If you're wondering how long does composite bonding lasts, on average it’s 3-7 years, providing you visit your dentist for regular check-ups, polishes and follow good dental hygiene practices.

5. Composite Bonding Treatment Does Not Hurt

One of the most appealing elements of dental bonding is that the procedure is painless. There are often no injections required, minimal to no preparation for the natural teeth and there is often no drilling necessary.

6. Composite Bonding And Composite Veneers Are More Affordable Than Other Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

We regularly get questions about composite veneer and composite bonding cost. Composite bonding/veneers do not require a dental ceramic technician, therefore composite bonding is significantly more affordable when compared to other smile makeover treatments. If you would like to see our price list, you can click on the link for more information on up-to-date pricing. Alternatively, you can book in for a free consultation, so we can develop your bespoke smile package.

7. Composite Veneers Can Improve Gaps Between Teeth

If you'd like to close any gaps in your smile, composite bonding could be the perfect treatment for you. We will assess in your initial consultation whether the gaps require any additional orthodontic treatment, but, we can typically use composite resin to close any small gaps.

8. Tea, Coffee, Smoking And Heavily Coloured Food May Cause Staining Over Time

Composite bonding will impact your diet. Eating foods such as nuts, hard-boiled sweets and biting directly into very hard foods can affect the integrity of the bonding material. We advise that you reduce your intake of teeth staining drinks such as, coffee, tea, green tea and red wine as these may cause staining over time.

9. Composite Bonding/Veneers Are Fast Procedures

If you're worried about the prospect of sitting in the dental clinics’ chair all day, you need not. Composite bonding treatment is perfect for those who have busy schedules that may not allow for even a single lengthy appointment. For example, we can place 8 composite veneers in a morning or afternoon, which is around 3-4 hours.

10. We're Always Here If You Have Any Questions Regarding Composite Bonding/Veneers

Our team are friendly and understand that everybody's smile journey is completely different. We have dedicated treatment co-ordinators on hand before, during and after your treatment for any questions you may have. Don't be afraid to get in touch and let us help you bring your dream smile to life.


Composite bonding aftercare – How to look after your new smile at home